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Helping your recovery

Looking for osteopaths who can help relieve pain and restore movement after an injury? Get in touch with us at The Colin Ross Practice. We offer tailor-made sports injury treatments to customers in Aberdeen, Inverurie and the surrounding areas.

Meet our experienced team

The osteopaths at The Colin Ross Practice offer a range of osteopathic treatments to help relieve pain and discomfort caused by injuries incurred through sport or manual labour. If you are suffering from aches and pains in your back, shoulder or neck, visit us at our clinic. We will examine the issue and provide you with the appropriate treatment to help you get back on your feet as soon as possible. With our extensive knowledge and experience, you can rest assured that you are in safe hands. Feel free to contact us with your queries.
Colin Ross

Colin Ross

Colin graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 1981 and set up his practice in Aberdeen.

In 1982  he took over the practice of Deryck Faulks, who was retiring after 30 years in Practice.
In the early 1990s Colin helped establish the Scottish Osteopathic Society, which runs continued professional development courses throughout the year. He was  their chairman for 6 years.
Colin is a keen sportsman, still playing competitive league badminton and represents Scotland at veterans level.
He is also a regular golfer.
Chris Ross

Chris Ross

Chris graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 2007 with a B Ost in Osteopathy.

Having worked in Edinburgh and Ireland, Chris is now back working in Aberdeen.
Along with his wife, Sarah Dolan, Chris has opened up an Osteopathic clinic nearby, The Little Clinic, Aberdeen.
​Chris is a keen surfer, badminton player and occasional golfer.
Osteopathic treatments
We offer a range of osteopathic treatments to help you recover from a sports injury.
Visit our clinic or call us on
01224 310 500
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